Welcome on board for the first European certification articulated around physical activity at work, established in the framework of a WAC Erasmus+ co-funded project.
Following the first phase of research, study and collaboration with pioneers and experts, we have elaborated a list of “WAC criteria”, which will be used, on one hand, as a source of inspiration for organisations wishing to develop their own “Active Workplace” approach and, on the other hand, as a reference for the external evaluation giving access to the WAC recognition.
You can find on the website the “List of criteria” which will be used as a reference document for you to apply to the WAC certification and become one of the first certified WAC companies. You will also find a document regarding “Certification process and regulations 2023” , making you more familiar with the process and the rules determined for the certification.
Fill in the list of criteria. Please note that this year, only certified criteria need to be completed. Advanced criteria are indication only and will not be assessed this first year of certification.