EFCS – european federation
for company sport

EFCS (European Federation for Company Sport) is a voluntary non-profit organisation gathering national company sport federations from 38 different countries (and 41 federations, among which 22 EU member states).

These national federations are referent associations in their own countries, which main objective is to promote and develop sport activities for all within professional settings.

By company sport, we mean all types of sport and physical activities organised with, by or within the workplace.

By workplace, we mean all types of professional organisations and places where the organisation performs its operational functions including SMEs, local authorities, associations, liberal professions, self-employed structures and so on, with at least one employee.

Some examples :

  • Sport incentives and team buildings
  • Participation in company sport tournaments (European Company Sport Games, races). Help employees to pay for a subscription to a sport club or a fitness centre
  • Organisation of sport lessons inside or by the company
  • Conferences with high level athletes…


  • Strengthening human and cultural contacts across national borders through sport
  • Promoting regular physical activity within companies
  • Emphasizing the recreational and health enhancing character of grassroots sport


  • Organisation of sport events
  • Organisation of conferences and workshops
  • Exchange of regular and systematic information on initiatives taken in company sport across national borders such as certification
  • Representation of company sport national federations at EU level




Million athletes



41 000



Erasmus+ project


European Company
Sport Summer Games


European Company
Sport Winter Games